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Real Estate
Wealth Management

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Real Estate
Wealth Management

As a Real Estate Wealth Management Company, we walk our clients through the analysis and management of real estate investments. We believe in a multi-disciplinary and integrated approach that would lead our clients to the proper understanding of their real estate assets and to plan and implement actions designed to reach the pre-established goals. We develop customised solutions that can cope with the strength and weakness of each asset. Our “360-degrees” approach is the evolution of the asset management and consulting, which takes into consideration the whole asset portfolio of the client, both real estate and financial assets. All the information related to the real estate assets, both qualitative and quantitative, are immediately accessible thanks to new technologies and in particular to the Real Estate Tech. This accessibility is the key for the implemention of timely and effective strategies, actions and investment decisions, being alignedt with the pre-established targets. Our team operates through best practices based on a structured and consolidated method and on an owned system of analysis, monitoring and assets strengthening. This system enables us to manage in real time any kind of strategical decision related to real estate assets, improving efficiency, maximising quality and performances of the real estate portfolios. The applied method and rules are always consistent with the goals and the pre-established risk level. They are developed through a continuative process of management, monitoring and implementation of either corrective actions or investment decisions, which can be measured and checked by the client in real time. Moreover, our clients, through our Investment Advisory Team, can have access to off-market investment opportunities, normally reserved to institutional investors.

Luca G. Rosiello, CEO

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The Keller Zable Group

The Keller Zable Group has been active in the real estate sector for 16 years. Being specialised in Real Estate Wealth Management, the group manages, monitors and advises its clients on their real estate portfolio. Keller Zable also operates as an Investment Advisor, managing real estate developments and selecting off-market estate investment opportunities for institutional and private investors. The company is the founder of the investment fund named Keller Zable Investments Stable Return, which invests in off-market real estate assets with an annual target yield from 5 to 7%; both in 2017 and 2018, the actual performance of the fund exceeded the 5-7% pre-established target.

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Keller Zable Services

  • RE Wealth Management

    Analysis, optimisation, dynamic management and constant monitoring of real estate assets.

  • RE Data Analysis System

    un modello di analisi costantemente consultabile grazie ad un aggiornamento giornaliero, che fornisce una rappresentazione complessiva di qualsiasi patrimonio immobiliare, delle relative informazioni economico-finanziarie, dell'analisi del rischio, mirando al monitoraggio e all'efficientamento costante

  • RE Asset Management

    Gestione strategica del patrimonio immobiliare al fine di ottimizzarne la redditività attesa e implementare efficacemente azioni correttive e di miglioramento. Frazionamento delle risorse mobiliari e immobiliari e successiva analisi strategica della collocazione delle stesse.

  • Agency

    Servizi volti a favorire la conclusione di contratti di compravendita, locazione o affitto ottenendo le migliori performance.

  • Advisory

    Servizi ad elevato valore aggiunto volti alla miglior conoscenza, gestione e ottimizzazione del proprio patrimonio immobiliare. Il risultato sarà una consulenza integrata e trasversale, che potrà far leva su opportunità di investimento e disinvestimento, sulla fiscalità e sulla capacità di generare liquidità aggiuntiva sul patrimonio in oggetto.

  • Asset Protection Management

    Soluzioni volte alla protezione del proprio patrimonio, derivanti da un accurato risk assessment che possa identificare e valutare le eventuali fonti di rischio, pensando alle possibili contromisure.

  • Succession planning

    Un modello strategico e tattico per la pianificazione e gestione del passaggio generazionale, il tutto focalizzato sul patrimonio immobiliare ma in costante coordinamento con gli altri elementi costituenti il patrimonio nel proprio complesso.

  • Project and Development Services

    Sistema integrato e consulenza a 360° finalizzata allo sviluppo di nuove iniziative e/o investimenti immobiliari.

  • Fund Management

    Gestione di fondi di investimento immobiliare, in qualità di advisor istituzionale con track record certificati sul mercato.

  • Business Partner in Fund & SPV Creations

    Partner indipendente per la creazione di fondi e SPV in particolare di diritto lussemburghese, svizzero e italiano, accompagnando i clienti fin dalle fasi embrionali della costituzione dei veicoli di investimento.

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Investment Advisory

Access to off-market real estate investments with an indexed return, being selected from either institutional investors’ or relevant families’ asset portfolios. These investments benefit of acquisition prices much lower than the market value, and, at the same time, embed a high intrinsic value which will fully exploit its potential in future development. These properties have also high yields being generated by long-term rental agreements and primary tenants.

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Real Estate Agency

Keller Zable Realty is a Real Estate Agency authorised by the Swiss Supervisory Authority. This authorisation enables us to manage any type of real estate deal executed in the Swiss market, in order to provide our clients with the full support they need for any kind of investment and deal.

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Keller Zable Data Analysis System

The Keller Zable Data Analysis System is based on an innovative methodology that generates added-value in the management of the clients’ real estate portfolio, making it more dynamic, easy to be monitored and fully integrated with all other asset classes.

Investment evaluation support
This methodology provides the client with an unique, consolidated and structured view of his real estate portfolio.

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Investiment Fund

Keller Zable Stable Return is an open-ended real estate investment fund based in Luxembourg, AIFM-D authorized and being supervised by the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), the supervisory authority over the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

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Number and People


  • Luca Rosiello
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Fabrizio Rossi
  • Chief Financial Officer
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Case History

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WHERE Viale Franscini 30
Lugano CH
PHONE +41 91.921.10.86